A Facebook Champ

April 29, 2015

So, I think this social media thing is sticking around.  Actually, it’s almost difficult to remember a time when a regular barrage of thoughts, videos, meals, reflections, events, parenting snafus, rants, groups, and other posts ranging from the really important to painfully unimportant were not frequently shared with us.  Let’s face it, social media (Facebook is the frontrunner today) are part of our lives now.  And, as fundraisers looking to coach our champions to advocate for us in meaningful ways, Facebook can be helpful and effective.

Right, wrong, or indifferent, engagement with social media has become one of the most important parts of someone’s life.  So, it stands to reason that sharing about the things we care about most on social media makes sense.  For our champions, we can encourage them specifically to leverage our causes on Facebook in the following ways:

  1. Share posts about what we are doing, in their voice, with a hyperlink to our Facebook page.  This hyperlink is KEY, as it drives more folks to us.  It’s a regular miss with folks posting, so important to point out.
  2. Share our events.  No brainer, straightforward.
  3. Consistently like and comment on posts our agency’s are generating on our Facebook pages.  Super easy and creates buzz.
  4. When they give, have them post why, and encourage others to do the same with our give page included in the post.  It’s on us to ensure our thumbnail is crisp and clear.
  5. Ask if they would consider asking their ‘friends’ to like our page.  This invite is an easy and specific function on Facebook that does not take a lot of time to expedite.

We do not want our social media presence to be arbitrary, so let’s keep it purposed and ask our champions to help us to do that.  Think about ways to drive traffic to our website, increase likes on our own pages, share about events, and cultivate some gifts!

What are other ways we can encourage our Champions to leverage Facebook?  Join the conversation at @infosmallchange #ascblog.